To fulfill our corporate social responsibility, we are committed to practicing compliance throughout our entire group. In particular, we are deeply aware of the importance of information management, and have established the “Code of Conduct and Compliance Rules” and “Personal Information Protection Rules” for the appropriate management of customer information and the lawful and proper handling of personal information.

Based on the recognition that personal information is an important asset of individuals, we believe that it is necessary to protect personal information at a high level based on the spirit of respect for human rights and legal compliance at all times, not only when we handle personal information directly, but also when we play a role in supporting the personal information handling operations of advertiser companies.

To this end, we established our basic policy on personal information protection in November 2003, and have been promoting various measures, including education and enlightenment to further raise the awareness of all employees, including directors and officers, improvement of our operations in accordance with related laws and regulations, and development of systems.

We will continue to maintain and improve these systems and protect personal information in accordance with the basic policy set forth below.

2-2-7, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka City
Daiko Advertising Inc.
Director of the Board, President & CEO
Yasuo Izumi

Basic Policy on Personal Information Protection

  1. We will comply with laws and regulations, national guidelines, and other rules regarding the handling of personal information in all of our businesses and the personal information of our employees and others.
  2. When acquiring and using personal information, we will clearly state the purpose for which the information is to be acquired and used, and will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve that purpose. We will take appropriate control measures to ensure that personal information is not used for any unintended purpose.
  3. We will not provide the personal information we have obtained to third parties, except with the consent of the relevant individual or in accordance with laws and regulations. When we outsource the processing of personal information to our subcontractors, we will do so under our strict control.
  4. If we receive a complaint or consultation request regarding the handling of personal information that we have obtained or use, we will promptly investigate the facts of the matter and respond in good faith within a reasonable period of time.
  5. In order to properly manage the personal information that we obtain, we take organizational, personnel, physical, and technical safety measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of the personal information, and take corrective measures.
  6. We will continuously review our personal information protection management system and improve our efforts to protect personal information in light of changes in social conditions and social environments.

Established on: November 5, 2003
Revised on: April 1, 2022

Contact information for inquiries regarding personal information

For inquiries regarding our basic policy on the protection of personal information, procedures for disclosure of personal information, etc., or consultation requests or complaints regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following (Deputy Personal Information Protection Manager).

2-14-5, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8658
“Consultation Desk for Complaints and Consultation Requests regarding Personal Information”, Daiko Advertising Inc.

Handling of Personal Information

For the following purposes of use, in addition to the personal information that we ourselves acquire, we may be entrusted with personal information by our clients, media companies, and business partners. In all such cases, we will use personal information appropriately within the scope necessary to achieve the smooth execution of the relevant business or operation. If a purpose of use other than those listed below arises, we will notify the relevant individual of, or publicly announce, the other purpose of use in advance.

<Purpose of use of personal information handled by us>

(1) Purpose of use of personal information that we acquire

  • Planning and implementation of advertising, campaigns, publicity, etc.
  • Marketing research and planning, and services and R&D thereof
  • Planning and implementation of workshops and seminars on advertising, market research, etc.
  • Planning, operation, and implementation of various events
  • Mail order business, and various consultation services

(2) Purpose of use of personal information subject to disclosure

  • Our recruitment and selection of employees
  • Employment management of executives and employees of our company and its affiliates
  • Membership management of the membership community site operated by our company
  • Provision of information on seminars, etc., sponsored by our company or introduction of such seminars, etc.
  • Reception services and services to connect to representatives of our company
  • Crime prevention operations (Use of surveillance cameras)

Handling of Personal Information

We will accept your requests for disclosure of your personal information that we possess, for notification of the purpose of use, for correction of personal information if the content of your personal information that we possess is contrary to the facts, for suspension of use, or for suspension of provision to a third party, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Disclosure, etc.”).
For specific procedures for the Disclosure, etc., please contact the “Consultation Desk for Complaints and Consultation Requests regarding Personal Information” shown above, or fill out the prescribed “Request Form for Disclosure, Correction, Disposal, etc., of Personal Information” and submit it to the Consultation Desk.
After confirming the identity of the individual making the complaint or consultation request, we will promptly respond to it within a reasonable scope. If you are a legal representative of the relevant individual, please submit the complaint or consultation request together with the Letter of Proxy shown below. Please be advised that the actual costs may be charged separately for requests for disclosure and requests for notification of purpose of use.

Request Form for Disclosure, Correction, Disposal, etc., of Personal Information
Letter of Proxy
Personal Information Protection Manager
Deputy Division Manager of Customer Value Management Division

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